Tuesday 6 October 2009

Simon Scarrow: History Man

Norwich Writers' Circle's 2009/2010 programme continued this evening with a visit from historical novelist Simon Scarrow.

The well-attended meeting started with Simon discussing the importance of history and how it shapes who we are, where we came from and where we are collectively going.

The novelist, whose latest book The Gladiator is currently riding high in the bestseller lists, also shared with us the importance of historical accuracy in fiction. Scarrow stressed that the plot was key, and that we must not to get too hung up on meaningless details. He added by saying that whilst storytelling is important, a balance must be made between keeping the plot moving and describing your characters' living era.

Simon's humorous and insightful talk was soon followed by a spirited discussion on the various subjects raised by the visiting writer, and much more besides.

The next NWC meeting at The Assembly House is on the 20th October. This meeting will feature another visiting author, Lucy McCarraher, who will be talking to us about fiction writing and publishing on demand.

We hope to see you next time.

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